Friend Ball

My hoard of Pokemon related links! I have resources, references, tutorials, tools, and more! The organization of these links will change a lot as I get them all together in here, but for now I have them organized by links that are useful for main series games, as well as fun links, and general resources. Later on if I get enough links I'll add in filters and maybe separate the sections into other more specific ones. If I put something in the wrong category or something's missing/broken feel free to let me know on my neocities profile. I'll also probably accept new links to add to this if you have any, my hoard is not that big right now.

Quick Navigation
Fun Links | General Resources |Main Game Resources | Other

General Resources

Sprites repositories, team builders, and other resources for general Pokemon related things

Main Game Resources

These are links that are relevant to the main series Pokemon games


General useful or fun Pokemon websites that I don't know where else to sort/haven't sorted yet